Key Broke in Lock Charlotte, NC – Safe Key Shop


Safe Key Shop Charlotte, NC 704-750-8660Keys bear the brunt of being continuously used for years together. Although built in a sturdy way, the wear and tear brought upon by innumerable use and long years have their impact on keys. Constant abrasion caused due to turning inside the locks may make the keys to crack over time. When key breaks and you have the pieces, it is fine to get it replaced. But what if your key broke in lock? As a portion of the key is stuck with your lock, you don’t stand a chance to use a spare key. It is on such occasions that Safe Key Shop comes to your rescue in Charlotte, NC. We assist clients in such unanticipated emergencies related to broken keys.

What causes a key to break?

  1. Presence of ‘weak points’: Keys consist of grooves and deep cuts on their structure while being created. These are the vulnerable spots that give in after long-term use. These spots tend to develop cracks which later cause a key to snap.
  2. Use of light weight materials: Several keys that are purchased from hardware stores may be made of cheap and thin material which may not be best suited for enduring use. This delicate material gives in to formation of cracks that lead to keys being deformed or broken over time.

Key trouble? Call in the experts

Why choose Safe Key Shop?